Influential Factors on the Collateral Learning of New Words in Shared Reading
投稿时间:2020-01-03  修订日期:2020-03-02
DOI:doi: 10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 05. 006
中文关键词: 关键词:分享阅读  伴随学习  儿童  汉字
英文关键词: Keywords:sharing reading  collateral learning  children  Chinese characters
郑家莹 陕西交通职业技术学院学工部大学生心理咨询中心 陕西西安 710018 
信忠义 陕西学前师范学院教育科学学院 陕西西安 710100 
摘要点击次数: 924
全文下载次数: 707
      摘 要:伴随学习是促进分享阅读中词汇发展的重要机制之一,通过梳理已有研究发现在分享阅读过程中,不同能力水平的儿童在成人的陪读下都能伴随学习到生字词,但伴随学习效果受到成人采用的分享阅读方式的影响,分享阅读中成人与儿童互动越深入伴随学习效果越好,重复精读比泛泛而读对儿童的词汇学习更有帮助,图文并茂的阅读材料能够激发儿童投入分享阅读的兴趣但对儿童词汇学习将产生干扰作用,在绘本上设置的生字词多且多次重复出现则伴随学习生字的量将大大提升,词性并不影响儿童的伴随学习。分享阅读材料若能提供拼音、语境作为辅助将有利于儿童的伴随学习。分享阅读结束后进行生字词测试活动则有利于儿童伴随学习效果的保持与迁移。
      Abstract:Collateral Learning is one of the important mechanisms to promote vocabulary development in shared reading. By reviewing the existing research findings, the study finds that: In the process of sharing reading, children of different ability levels can acquire new words by collateral learning in the companion of adults. However, the effect of collateral learning is affected by the sharing reading method adopted by adults. The interaction between adults and children in sharing reading is positively related to the learning effect. Repeated intensive reading is more helpful to children’s vocabulary learning than extensive reading. Graphic and textual reading materials can stimulate children’s interest in sharing reading, but interfere with children’s vocabulary learning. Repeated occurrences of new words greatly promote the acquisition of new words in collateral learning, and the property of words does not affect children’s learning. Sharing reading materials that provide both pinyin and context as aids help children’s collateral learning. Testing after reading is beneficial for children to maintain and transfer their learning effects.
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