刘玉敏,薛艳秋,刘晓敏.自学考试本科学前教育专业学生专业认同感调查 ——以山东英才学院为例[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(2):105-109
自学考试本科学前教育专业学生专业认同感调查 ——以山东英才学院为例
A Survey on the Professional Identity of Undergraduate Diploma of?Preschool Education Students
投稿时间:2019-09-17  修订日期:2019-10-09
DOI:10. 11995 / j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 02. 016
中文关键词: 自学考试  本科  学前教育  专业认同感
英文关键词: undergraduate diploma  preschool education  professional identity
刘玉敏 1.韩国东亚大学釜山 49315韩国 
薛艳秋 2.韩国忠南大学大田 34134韩国 
刘晓敏 3.潍坊学院山东潍坊 261061 
摘要点击次数: 1280
全文下载次数: 637
      This paper investigates the status of professional identity of undergraduate diploma of preschool education students. The results showed that the professional identity of undergraduate diploma of?preschool education students was at a high level and kept increasing with the grade rising; The professional identity of students that at the top and middle of the class was higher than those who were at the bottom of the class. Students who fill in application forms for college entrance by themselves had a higher professional identity than those who were forced to choose the major by their parents and friends. Students in classes that have a better learning environment had a higher professional identity than those who were in the poor learning environment. There were no significant differences in professional identity among genders, different places of origin and whether they were the only child.
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