王丽娟,刘思妤.基于OBE理念的学前教育专业课程改革思路与实现路径 ——以“教学活动设计类课程”为例[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(2):1-7
基于OBE理念的学前教育专业课程改革思路与实现路径 ——以“教学活动设计类课程”为例
Thoughts and Realization Paths of the Curriculum Reform of Preschool Education Major in Colleges and Universities Based on the Concept of OBE ——Taking “Design of Teaching Activities” as an Example
投稿时间:2019-11-21  修订日期:2019-10-20
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 02. 001
中文关键词: 学前教育专业  教学活动计划与实施  课程改革
英文关键词: preschool education major  planning and implementation of teaching activities  curriculum reform
王丽娟 兰州城市学院幼儿师范学院甘肃兰州 730020 
摘要点击次数: 1854
全文下载次数: 810
      “Output-orientation” is the requirement of professional certification, the core concept of OBE and the base for the curriculum reform of pre-school education major. The problems existing in the course development of the design of teaching activities in the field are that the relevant courses are not connected, the support is not enough, and the resultant force is not strong; the objectives of the course are chaotic, the core is unclear, and the kernel is unknown; the course content is repetitive, the knowledge is overlapping, the connection is insufficient; the course mode is single, mainly lectured and seldom practiced. Some ideas of reform are to lock students’ ability and determine the course objectives; clarify course connection and highlight the key points; select course contents and implement module teaching; display course results and change evaluation methods. The realization paths are as following:theory + practice, to consolidate students’ professional knowledge reserve; teachers + famous teachers, to improve students’ professional ability; imitation + reflection, to advocate students’ professional learning experience; school + base, to build students’ practical learning base; display + competition, to improve students’ professional ability.
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