A Case Study on the Comparison between the Novice and Proficient Teacher on the Development of Their Abilities to Evaluating Children’s Learning
投稿时间:2018-05-10  修订日期:2018-05-23
中文关键词: 新手教师  成熟教师  儿童学习评价
英文关键词: novice Teacher  proficient Teacher  Evaluation to children’s Learning
鲍钰清 (福建幼儿师范高等专科学校培训中心福建福州 350007) 
摘要点击次数: 1193
全文下载次数: 1040
      Evaluation ability to children’s learning is one of the important criteria to measure the professional level of teachers. The paper approaches the issue by taking one of the ways to evaluate children’s learning “learning story” as an example and following the track of the development of evaluation ability to children’s learning of a novice teacher and a proficient teacher. The study finds that, in terms of information collecting, novice teacher’s planning improves quickly, but proficient teacher’s purpose and attention span is better than novice teacher, in terms of information analysis, novice teacher has gradually shifted from subjective analysis to objective analysis, but is still instable, while proficient teacher is able to analyze in a more objective and comprehensive way, in terms of information application, novice teacher tends to view evaluation as a way to improve their professional level rather than a tool to adjust course arrangement, while proficient teacher has greater awareness and capacity of applying the results of the evaluation to course arrangement. Teacher’s views on learning and education, observation techniques are main influential factors on children learning evaluation abilities development at primary stage. During the later stage, teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and curriculum consciousness are closely related to their evaluation abilities to children’s learning, and the practical wisdom of teachers also have an impact on it too. Therefore, reasonable goals must be setting for teachers with different professional level, and trainer should pay attention to the cultivation of teacher’s consciousness of using evaluation results in improving teaching.
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