Comparison of Kinetic Family Drawing of Parents Raised Children and Skip-generation Raised Children
投稿时间:2017-11-21  修订日期:2017-12-03
中文关键词: 亲子抚养家庭  隔代抚养家庭  儿童  家庭动力绘画
英文关键词: parents raising family  skip-generation raising family  children  kinetic family drawing
尚英楠 (上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院上海 200000) 
摘要点击次数: 2106
全文下载次数: 1314
      Apart from language, drawing is the most important tool for children to express their feeling and emotion to family, while, family pattern and structure influences children’s cognition on family.Today, scholars payincreasing attention to the differences between children from parents raised family and skip-generation raised family in their family relationship and self-cognition. Theresearch explores the differences between them in their family relationship and interactions with family members from their performance in drawing on the basis of theoretical analysis of Kinetic Family Drawing (K-F-D) proposed by Burns and Kaufman. Results show that: 1. The present situation of family interaction in parent raising family is poorer than that in skip-generation raising family and it is a fact that parents neglect the interaction with children to variable extent; 2. Emphasis is put on raising rather than nurturing in skip-generation raising family, and in the face of emotional disturbance, children lack sense of identity to parents; 3. Family reading in both types of family is not in an optimistic situation.
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