Stuart Lester,,Wendy Russell,,周桂勋,丁海东,王见好.儿童游戏的权利——世界范围内游戏在儿童生活中重要性的考察(连载之一)[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2018,34(1):107-132
Children’s Right to Play: An Examination of the Importance of Play in the Lives of Children Worldwide( Serialization Part One )
投稿时间:2017-11-17  修订日期:2017-12-13
中文关键词: 儿童生活  儿童游戏  游戏权利  游戏价值
英文关键词: lives of children,children’s play, right to play,value of play
Stuart Lester, 1.格罗斯特大学英国格罗斯特 
Wendy Russell, 1.格罗斯特大学英国格罗斯特 
周桂勋 甘肃民族师范学院教育系甘肃合作 747000 
丁海东 福建师范大学教育学院福建福州 350007 
王见好 香港智乐游戏协会香港 999077 
摘要点击次数: 2056
全文下载次数: 1001
      The paper examines the importance of play in the lives of children worldwide in a systematic way, taking children’s right to play as an independent right referred to in item 31 in CRC issued by the United Nation in the year 1989, aiming at the exploration of theoretical basis for the research of “children’s right to play” worldwide within the framework of CPC. It illustrates the reasons for people to acknowledge and respect children’s right to play, expounds the theoretical basis for escalating play to be a right of children, and argues for the necessity of the comprehensive understanding of the deep meaning of children’s right to play, especial of the social value of play as a way of self-protection and of involving into daily life. To achieve this aim, appropriate game environment should be created positively and efforts should be made to promote the actualization of children’s right to play.
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