张怀宇.由拙轩词看金词由俗入雅的发展趋向[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2016,32(9):121-124 |
由拙轩词看金词由俗入雅的发展趋向 |
Understand the Developmet Trend of Poety of the Jin Dynasty from Valgar to Elegant through Poetry of Zhuo Xuan |
投稿时间:2016-04-05 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2016.09.027 |
中文关键词: 王寂 金词 由俗入雅 |
英文关键词: Wang Ji Poetry of the Jin Dynasty from vulgar to elegant |
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摘要点击次数: 1581 |
全文下载次数: 1004 |
中文摘要: |
词自产生以来,总体上是由俗入雅地发展。从北宋至南宋,词在文人士大夫的参与下逐渐完成了它的雅化。金词也从属于这一进程,拙轩词便是明显的例证:在传播方式上由合乐之歌词转向案头之文词,在思想意境上由浅俗轻艳转向清雅深情,在创作心态上由逸乐纵情转向言志写心。拙轩词雅俗兼综的状态正是词之由俗入雅地发展在金代词坛的体现。 |
英文摘要: |
Basically, poetry has developed from vulgar to elegant since history.From the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty,Poetry gradually completed the transformation to elegance.Poetry in the Jin Dynasty also belong to this process. Poetry of Zhuo Xuan is an outstanding example:it changed from oral words of songs to written words with emotion expression. It changed from frivolous language to heartful expressiveness and elegance in the content and artistic conception. It focuses on the expression from simple little things to expressing emotion and desire in creation psychology.These are also the characters of poetry of Zhuo Xuan, which reflected the process of development from common into the elegant in the Jin Dynasty. |
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